Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Connections in Middle Eastern Music and Religion Research Paper

Associations in Middle Eastern Music and Religion - Research Paper Example The utilization of music in the Jewish hypothesis made significant accomplishment as a methods for drawing in young people into the gathering places. This prompted production of society, jazz and rock types of music. Jewish ladies took part in music either as writers or cantors and welcomed new measurement on antiquated view purposes of the Jewish religion. The job of holy music prompted more noteworthy blooming of the music hypothesis, which had been at first idea to be unethical .Middle eastern Jewish people significantly utilized the maqam framework, which was Arabic old style music (Randel, 550). (Isaacson, 185) noticed that when people consider Jewish music, what comes into their brains are psalms, occasion tunes, and supplication settings that are related with places of worship. Present day cantors secure their nusach in consecrated music schools from nineteenth and twentieth century cantor instructors, for example, Katchko and Baer. Word painting was completed by cantor, who l earned diverse regulates, in a steady progression. Two cantors reciting comparative supplications utilizing the equivalent nusach made differentiating enthusiastic reactions in development of the melody. They likewise utilized the utilization of Scarbova or Misinai, that implied unknown; unattributed society songs. These songs were knowledgeable by the individuals from the assembly and in reality accepted to slip from Moses in Mount Sinai. Scarbova Is Latin for Sacred. Melodies were the quintessence of convention and culture and solace of hearing them had solid connections to the Jewish religion. Customarily Yiddish music was played by utilization of string instruments.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

From A Basement on the Hill and School Life Essay

Goodbye discourse 1:- In this goodbye discourse I am not bidding farewell to the five years I have spent here, for in each feature of school life we have left an imprint and each experience can return upon reflection These encounters make the pages out of our book of life. Today we, the writers of this book, are composing once more. This graduation experience will turn into a piece of it. On the off chance that you re-read it sometime in the not so distant future, it will let you know of achievement. An achievement of representing long stretches of persistence and support with respect to our folks who have raised us, given us direction as we continued looking for bliss and achievement; educators who have helped us over this progression in school life; our companions who are a fundamental piece of your life. To the understudies in the assembly hall now, I state this. Carry on with your life without limit and receive each ounce of worth in return. Secondary school life will presently open new entryways for you. You will meet new companions and figure out how to coexist with individuals, to offer and to take. You will have a place with athletic groups and will learn sportsmanship, learn acknowledgment of triumph and annihilation. Educationally, more requests will be made of you. You will figure out how to assume liability. Make your years at secondary school full in each regard. You will never live these years again and there is such a great amount to do. Set yourself up now for the activity to come or college life. Since there is a whole other world to learn, more individuals to meet, more requests. So particularly is up to you. Don’t be disheartened by disappointment or frustration. Disappointment is a test which we should all get and battle transparently. In defeating it, we add fervor and anticipation to our story. By taking in all that I can from this world and its kin, by doing all that I can for this world and its kin, in years to come I may discover the appropriate responses, the quality, whatever I see, when I rehash what I have writtenâ€what you have helped me to compose. This evening I accept that I have expressed my prelude, the purpose behind composing my book. In the event that I have satisfied my motivation, at that point I have said something that will justify some consideration in the book you are composing The expressions of a tune: The trap of time catches and subjugates Appreciate the world. Appreciate it while you may. Every second that your heart is thumping Time is spending, Time is passing Carry on with your life. Live it consistently. Goodbye discourse 2:- Goodbye ’98 †Beware, It’s a Wide World Regarded Principal Sir, Vice-Principal Sir, Teachers, and all my dear companions, including the individuals who are benevolently bunking. I searched for goodbye discourses yet I couldn’t locate any advantageous so I composed this myself which is the reason this won’t take long. We are assembled here, as the majority of us most likely know, for the kachoris, yet to say goodbye to an affectionate to the understudies of Class XII who are leaving the regarded foundation of the Kendriya VidyalayaSangathan, and wandering out into this present reality. We don’t recognize what certainties they will discover there, what encounters they will have and we can just give them our all the best and uplifting statements. I’m not very great with words so I thought I’d make my message more clear with a couple of lines from a Maxi Priest tune. I think it goes to some degree like this †â€Å"†¦ But on the off chance that you need to leave, Take great consideration. Expectation you discover a great deal of decent companions out there. Simply recall there’s a great deal of awful. Be careful. It’s a wide world.† Be that as it may, a large portion of us won’t have an issue there in light of the fact that we’ve spent a ton of our years in KV, where alongside the standard ‘by the book’ training we are granted with values. All through your school life you have most likely been considering what precisely the teacher’s were babbling on about however now that it’s time for you to leave your protected life and go out into this present reality, presently, you will understand the estimation of those words that our instructors carefully ramble into us. Also, these snapshots of feeling will be the last that you’ll be spending in the asylum of our school. Inside a month you’d have left the asylum of your cased school lives and all you revolting caterpillars will shudder off in different ways as wonderful butterflies into an existence where you know not what anticipates you. Be that as it may, through your lives you’ll consistently recollect your days here, affectionately I trust. Also, inside those recollections of companions, instructors and the tangle of charming and upsetting encounters may you recall the exercises that this school and it’s committed staff of educators have instructed. Furthermore, may those exercises control you on your ways to understand the fantasies you’ve set out to make valid. Since regardless of what you do, regardless of where you go, all through your lives you’ll just be more extravagant with the encounters and information that you’ve accumulated in your tutoring lives. I’d simply prefer to close down with a line from a Bob Dylan number that truly contain the substance of what I’ve been attempting to state here. ‘Goodbye is too acceptable a word, so I’ll simply state toll thee-well.’

Monday, August 17, 2020

New Article Reveals the Low Down on General Essay Topics in Tamil and Why You Must Take Action Today

<h1> New Article Reveals the Low Down on General Essay Topics in Tamil and Why You Must Take Action Today </h1> <p>The cost of an exposition rides on the amount of exertion the author needs to apply. I myself am an incredible audience article. The peruser should know this and it's your activity as the essayist to paint the right picture as they would see it. Hemingway Editor can assist you with reaching straightforwardness and lucidity. </p> <p>Sooner or later, notwithstanding, recall that incredible composing doesn't occur unintentionally. On the off chance that yours is any longer you may wish to think about altering it down a bit! Also, a client may solicit the essayist to submit part from the activity for survey and, if necessary, request that they make amendments. Get help with your composition. </p> <p>It might be advantageous to consider them to be what could be compared to such spoken prompts used in formal addresses that signal the decision of a solitary arrangement of thoughts and the beginning of another. Perusing for a perfect subject for rudimentary understudies, remember that children of this level aren't experienced and full grown enough to have the option to oversee complex dubious issues, thusly it's an amazing plan to go for something less confounded. Now and again you'll get an opportunity to liberate your inventiveness and simply enjoy the procedure as you're taking an interest in a discussion on clever or just captivating discussion subjects. The best achievers in your group are in a situation to learn and compose more inside a briefer timeframe. </p> <h2> Whispered General Essay Topics in Tamil Secrets </h2> <p>Then, the writer creates the scholarly composition, especially for the understudy. Clarify why you particularly thoroughly enjoy a particular educator. </p> <p>Explain why a few understudies are made to leave school when they are sixteen. The understudy has a few options. Tragically, since numerous understudies don't see how to write in English, this might be troublesome, as well. Along these lines, numerous understudies and workers choose to acquire cheap exposition instead of composing it themselves. </p> <h2> The Tried and True Method for General Essay Topics in Tamil in Step by Step Detail </h2> <p>Thanks to the right alternative of introduction style and a careful comprehension of the objectives you wish to achieve in your exposition, there are a lot of classes article subjects might be broken into. Classes, article subjects may be separated into. Picking points can be troublesome. Additionally, recollect your conversation subjects must fit the other understudies' level some of them can be not ready to deal with the point that has such a large number of features to consider. </p> <p>The discussion addresses length a wide number of discussion themes. Simply investigate and see whether there's a theme you're keen on. Consequently, it's essential to choose a subject that wouldn't be trying to examine. Contentious discussion points spread explicit issues, issues, marvel or subjects you can think. </p> <h2>Choosing General Essay Topics in Tamil </h2> <p>Blogging is a magnificent method to create more salary while continually learning and developing as a general article subjects for talk with individual. Portray the things which present to you the best satisfaction. Choosing a theme is a crucial issue that somewhat assesses last achievement of the activity. Settling on an incredible point can be troublesome. </p> <p>Profit is the sole thought process of business. Morals in business is just a prevailing fashion. </p> <p>It delivers your total discourse seem frail and unconvincing. As the last passage is speaks to your absolute last chance to turn your case and, being such, ought to hold fast to an incredibly unbending arrangement. The sorts of some of the letters were disentangled in the nineteenth century to make the content a lot simpler to typeset. Tamil is among the longest enduring old style dialects on earth. </p> <h2> Characteristics of General Essay Topics in Tamil </h2> <p>It is conceivable to consistently depend on suitable on-line assets to assist you with obtaining the activity done! EssayMama gives successful rules that will set you on the correct way. Because of this thoroughly free instrument, you can be certain your papers are altogether one of a kind. There are four novel assortments of composing styles. </p> <h2> New Ideas Into General Essay Topics in Tamil Never Before Revealed </h2> <p>If you comply with the recommended advances, you will have the option to complete a decent paper inside a few hours. You'll begin with making sense of how to peruse a task, how to build up the article's structure, and the best approach to cover the remainder of the phases of the strategy. Ap science drosophila lab theory The substance of english paper english language exposition it's an investigation of urdu and other local words that have come to be the part of they can be found in each language all through the world that even an incessant man can get advantage of those. Another option is to make the paper in English. </p>

Saturday, August 15, 2020

9 Things Managers Do That Make Good Employees Quit

9 Things Managers Do That Make Good Employees Quit Employees don’t quit jobs; they quit managers.Have you ever heard that?Many surveys have proven this. But despite the evidence, the number of managers coming to terms with this fact doesn’t seem to be increasing.Here is a graph showing the steady increase in the number of employees quiting. Source: SHRMJust what is the reason behind this trend?WHY GOOD EMPLOYEES QUITEmployees quitting managers is a conclusion reached from the fact that managers are the ones in charge of the workplace environment.Being in charge, what they do or fail to do is what will eventually determine the employee turnover rate.Looking at the 9 things discussed below, you’ll realize that they are all preventable. If you’ve been employed in the past or are currently employed, you may recognize some of these things from experience.Some of them are common in many companies. For example, many managers, as well as some business owners lack empathy.For this reason, they focus on profits to the extent that they don’t really care what their employees are going through.If you’re working in a company where you feel you’re not valued, it might help to look elsewhere. Do not be held back by the fear that finding another job will be difficult.As long as you know what you have to offer and have enough c onfidence in yourself, feel free to explore other options. Our blog can also help you in this process. We have articles touching on virtually any job search-related topic.In this article, we’re looking at the reasons behind high employee turnover rates. Be careful to avoid them if you are a manager. And if you are an employee, be on the look out for these red flags.1. OverworkingManagers are usually driven towards productivity. And productivity and performance are closely related. Since performance is often assumed to mean doing a lot of work, managers try to extract this from their employees.A top-performing employee is a natural hard worker. As such, it’s evident that he can handle more than he currently does. And since he finishes his job on time and does it well, why not give him more work?This reasoning is the basis of much overworking at the office. And it’s not without an effect.In some cases though, all employees may be overworked regardless of performance. This happen s mostly in an attempt to cut costs on hiring new talent.According to one study, almost half of the HR leaders say that 20 to 50% of their annual workforce turnover is due to burnout.Obviously, when too much work is done by any one person, he will be overwhelmed.Even with a good performer, burdening him with extra work will gradually reduce his performance.Wherever there is overworking, the manager is actually failing to deal with the real problem at hand. Instead, he opts to get a quick fix which will cost him less.For the employee, good performance is part of his life.It’s part of the definition of who he is. And when he is not able to give his best because he’s being overworked, he suffers from within. He feels the pressure from within because he can’t do his work well.Knowing too well that the bad situation can get worse, especially if he tries raising the issue and doesn’t get help, what does he do?He quits.SolutionAs a manager, know the kind of employees you have. Know who can do what and who cannot do certain tasks.But since there is a job description which employees are bound by, engage them on how to perform well.Do not be quick to reduce someone’s workload and give part of it to someone else. Work to help the other person overcome his own challenges.2. Lack of ChallengesPart of the reason why a good employee is good is that he is self-motivated. He rarely needs any external motivation to work and even finish his job in good time.A contributing factor to this performance is a desire to overcome challenges.Great employees love challenges. The adrenaline rush that comes with solving a problem, especially a difficult one, is part of what they enjoy.So when they do all there is to do and all work becomes repetitive, life becomes boring.A boring life has very little to offer. This results in feelings of under-utilizing one’s strengths.SolutionThe key is to understand what drives your employees.As a manager, it’s also important to come up with challenges surrounding the work done at the office. If there isn’t any real challenge, come up with one.Look for a new way of doing things. If the current methods are good enough, challenge your staff to find a better way. Ask them to use fewer resources. From your list of resources, let time be the last you ask them to reduce.If they are to do the same job in less time, it could lead to a form of overworking.Be smart about it. Change the way work is done or the kind of results expected and keep them on their toes.For example, you can challenge your best sales person to sell your products to a different target market. The difference however shouldn’t be too big such that it increases the chances of a fail.In this case, just tell him that you want to see whether the new market can embrace the product.Share some insights about the target market and ask him to introduce the product.3. Lack of a Clear VisionGood employees are the type that want to know where the company is headed.Y es, they were looking for a job and they want the money.But more than that, they also want to be sure that they are in the right place. They don’t want to lose their time in the wrong place doing the wrong thing.One of the things which clearly indicate where a company is headed is the vision statement. Your company must have this. And if it’s not clearly stated, then have it clearly understood by the members of your team.Still, having a vision statement is not all that is needed to keep the good employee around.The vision should be very clear. You should also take time to further explain it so it’s completely clear what the daily tasks contribute to. Where there is no clear vision, there is no clear direction of where employees are headed. That means they might spend their efforts on something which doesn’t really count.For the performer, this is not a good thing. There is nothing as bad as doing something which may be of no benefit.Performers want to contribute to the gener al well being of the world. They want to make other people’s lives better.And if your company has no real reason for existing, think hard about it.Get a vision and stick to it.4. Lack of EmpathyAll employees are human beings and central to the human nature is having a family.A family in this case is not just the people with whom you were born and raised. Your family is also made up of friends and colleagues.This whole family setting has, among other roles, the responsibility of providing love and acceptance.A sense of belonging.This creates an environment where every member feels safe to speak their mind. If they have any personal challenges, they know they can talk to their managers and get help.These traits are neither developed by wishful thinking nor do they just come. They are intentionally developed.Empathy in a manager means that the manager is not too focused on beating deadlines, saving costs and getting things done. The manager is also concerned about the life of his sta ff.If he is more concerned about the bottom line, then there would be little room for making connections.Consider the below statistics from the 2019 state of workplace empathy report by businessolver:58% of CEOs say that they struggle with consistently exhibiting empathy at work92% of CEOs say that their organizations are empathetic. Only 72% of the employees agree. Comparing this year’s report with previous years, 72% is a 6-point decrease.How does this affect or influence employee retention? 93% of employees are likely to stay with an empathetic employer.It’s not just about the money. Employees have a need to feel loved.Empathy means that the manager is there to listen and offer the help he can. If not able to help, then just listening and giving an assurance that all will be well is good enough.You can even allow the employee to leave work early or not come in for a day to enable him have some rest if needed.Yes, some people are naturally more empathetic than others and we ca nnot be the same. Yet, in our uniqueness, we can develop sincere love for one another.SolutionAs much as high levels of empathy may not be easy to achieve, there are acceptable levels which everyone can reach. And getting there is not difficult. You just have to start with a change of attitude.“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.”   Richard BransonMake up your mind that you’ll be there for your team members. Whenever you hear of someone going through a problem, have a chat with them.That will be your opportunity to drop your “manager” hat and put on your “friend” hat.Speak with the employee as you would a close friend.In any case, don’t you value this employee?5. Blame GameAnother serious problem at work is the habit of blaming wrongdoing on the wrong people.This can happen as a result of favoritism or lack of concrete evidence when accusations fly around.Another reason blame game wi ll exist in your company or team is when there are no clear roles. If duties are allocated haphazardly and they are not clear, no-one takes any responsibility for them.This happens often after meetings. Discussions have taken place and decisions reached. But then it’s not very clear who is to do what. It’s just agreed that “we will do it.” When what was to be done isn’t done, who is to blame?When this situation is recurring in your company, the employees who aren’t loud enough are more likely to suffer. And these might be the best performing ones.These are those who expect the manager to create a conducive environment.A good work environment will ensure everything is clear and well communicated. There will also be no cases of other signs of a bad work environment like excessive competition among employees or micromanaging staff.As the below video shows, blame game is a survival tactic that is common where there is no sense of accountability. SolutionAs the manager, you h ave to first develop yourself in the area of accountability before holding others accountable.But since you don’t have the privilege of time, it’s best to embrace this lesson as a team project.Gather your team and explain the situation. Be sincere and show them that you want a change and are willing to lead by example. If you all learn to be accountable, not only will you reduce turnover, but you’ll also have more getting done.6. No PromotionsGood employee know that they are good. They know that they give more than they are required to but still give it.It’s just a part of them. They go the extra mile.But giving extra is not supposed to be taken as charity. Good employees are in a career and they expect to grow beyond where they are.The commonest way to grow without leaving your current employer is through promotions. Promotions take you to the next level which provides bigger challenges.Promotions also come with a higher pay and better benefits.If someone works hard then ge ts passed for a promotion, you can be sure he will not like it.At first, he may just wonder what’s going on. If that happens the second time, third and maybe fourth time, he gets frustrated.Will he need any convincing that the playing ground is not level? Will he stay around hoping things change?SolutionUnfair promotions are a bad management habit. It often points to favoritism and lack of sensitivity.If you know that you favor certain employees over others, it’s time to stop it. Not only will this demotivate others, it will also open the door for your best talent to leave.Give promotions on the basis of performance.Let those who do a good job get the higher rank and task them with helping others become like them.7. No Recognition and RewardsAnother way of appreciating your team members’ efforts is through rewards. When you reward those who do a good job, it motivates them to do even more.It’s said that employees work for the money but go the extra mile for recognition.That statement may be open to debate. But one thing is obvious, people love being recognized and appreciated.We all want to be valuable before someone else’s eyes. This in part is the reason we get into romantic relationships.At the core of wanting to be recognized is a need for affirmation.You may know that you are good at something. Despite that knowledge, you’ll still want to get a confirmation from someone else.It’s also natural to want to get some feedback. If your efforts are positively recognized, then you know you’re adding value. That means you are of value and it makes you feel important and good.If an employee does a good job but isn’t rewarded while another one is, that can send a message that they are not valued. They could then translate that to mean that they themselves are of no value in the company they currently work in.All this, while it’s clear they’re doing a good job. They know that their input helps the company achieve its goals.Will they really stick around?SolutionBe intentional about recognizing and publicly appreciating your team’s effort. This should happen both at the overall team level and at the individual level.Get comfortable with giving words of affirmation and encouragement. Encourage your staff and they will become better.And while you’re doing this, do not focus only on the best employee.That will not reflect well on the other staff and can lead to resentment and conflict within the team.8. No Room for CreativityFor the good employee to do what he does so well, he often utilizes his creative side.Creativity is not something only endowed to artists, poets, musicians and the like. Everyone has some creativity within and it’s a joy to use it.When creativity is allowed to flow, you will have many solutions. When you have many solutions, you get better performance since you reduce the challenges hindering productivity and efficiency.Creativity is directly tied to productivity. And the most productive employees are those who have a unique way of doing things.But some managers are not very comfortable when a creative employee is part of their team.They may love the good results but dislike the processes through which the results are obtained.This can happen where the structures at work are rigid. If the process dictates the steps to be followed and is strict about it, then you will be suppressing creativity.Lack of creativity means lack of freedom to think. If you’re not allowing your staff to think for themselves, it means you’re turning them into slaves. People who only do what they’re told and ask no question.Great employees cannot work under such circumstances.SolutionAs long as no rules have been broken, you should let employees work as they see best. Define for them what is expected and allow them room to use different methods of getting the work done.To further open up the workplace for creativity, include your team members in decision making meetings. Invite them for a meeting ab out anything significant in the team.Have brainstorming sessions with them and ask them for ideas. Let them know that all ideas are acceptable, no matter how crazy they sound. See to it that you implement at least one of the suggestions.9. Failing to Provide Room for Personal DevelopmentThere is indeed something called work-life balance and it’s important for everyone.Everyone needs to have some time to pursue other things and not seem to live for their bosses. The people who know this more than others are your best talent.This is because they already are aware of some of the strengths and natural inclinations they have.Natural inclinations help you know what you can be best at and which skills to learn.One way companies restrict personal development is by denying them opportunities to further their studies. This can happen through arguments that employees are leaving early. It could also happen through overworking.SolutionWhen good employees learn new skills or improve their curr ent ones, they will use them in your company. The risk of leaving only increases if you don’t treat them well.You’ll do well to encourage them to get further education. They should know that you are on their side and you wish them well.As you do so, let them know that there is a position they could apply for within the company once they graduated.This will show them that there is room for growth within the company even as they seek to become better.If your company can provide scholarships, do so. If it can’t, openly encourage your staff to further their education.Tell them the benefits and make it easy for them to take that action.Do not restrain them by implementing policies which make it difficult to develop themselves.CONCLUSIONAs a manager, remember that every employee working under you is first of all human.Treat them well.Secondly, understand that they are in a career and would like to experience growth. Offer them the available opportunities.As an employee, it’s impor tant to believe in yourself and know your worth.Do not be held hostage by a negative work environment. Pursue growth and be ready to climb up the ladder.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Essay Writing Contest - How to Write an Essay Capital in a Short Time

<h1>Essay Writing Contest - How to Write an Essay Capital in a Short Time</h1><p>Essay composing challenges are a great method to deal with your exposition and do everything from home. That is the reason numerous undergrads take an interest in this sort of challenge. There are various kinds of article challenges to browse. You can begin by utilizing the web to locate the correct one for you.</p><p></p><p>One of the most ideal approaches to do a paper capital is through an article capital composing challenge. This kind of challenge permits you to compose a paper of up to 500 words long. The configuration is entirely clear and in the event that you are truly keen on participating, there are a few rules that you ought to follow. In the event that you are prepared to participate in a challenge, at that point follow these rules to assist you with ensuring that you will be a winner.</p><p></p><p>First of all, the opposition is wild so you need to present a great deal of papers. It is astute to go with a short however far reaching exposition. On the off chance that you have any questions about whether you will be acknowledged, attempt to get an example of the works that others have submitted. At the point when you present an example, it will give you a thought of what the opposition is like.</p><p></p><p>After presenting a couple of articles, you will need to choose which challenge you might want to partake in. There are heaps of various kinds of paper challenges out there, so it's a smart thought to peruse around until you locate the one that will speak to you. A large number of the paper rivalries have holding up records so the more the better.</p><p></p><p>Once you discover the challenge that you might want to take an interest in, recall that the main draft of your exposition ought not take over 60 minutes. Recollect that many individuals partake in the se challenges so the adjudicators are normally occupied. On the off chance that you stall out on any purpose of your exposition, recollect the last time you did likewise and attempt to update your essay.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to being stressed over the measure of time that you need to compose your paper, you will need to consider what sort of article you need to accomplish for the paper capital composing challenge. On the off chance that you are simply searching for a pleasant method to invest energy, at that point you can utilize a composing rivalry as an approach to chip away at your composing abilities. On the off chance that you need to win the challenge, you should concentrate on your composing skills.</p><p></p><p>One significant point to recall is that you ought to compose an exposition that will give the adjudicators something to discuss. In the event that you need to win the challenge, you should compose an elegantly compo sed exposition that will intrigue the appointed authorities. This might be more diligently for you to do on the off chance that you don't have a clue what a paper capital is. Simply recall that it very well may be a great method to take a shot at your exposition composing skills.</p>